Blessed be! Cool witch print culture here and here. Check the Pentagram Newsletter for reports on the Rollright Stones (not the Rolling Stones), reflecting witch balls, cat's cradle and other string figures, tree spells, mazing and ground-glyphs.
Big thanks to Michael from Stopping Off Place for sending me this yesterday. A 1973 short film based on Leo Lionni's Swimmy. Casually amazing in the same way everything on Stopping Off Place always is. Go visit it right now! Don't get eaten by evil tuna.
Private renfaire psych from northern California. This sounds a bit like a lost Mayo Thompson album. There are many lovable things about it: a song about Dr. Who, a band member named Joseph Sun-Bear, covers of English ballads of female highwaymen, and mostly the fact that Jim Burrill holds the guitar the wrong way. Also, the song "Lynn's Dream" is about Lynn Blessing from the band The Advancement. One gets the sense that Burrill knows a thing or two about Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering. Strangely listenable and likable.
Watched this last night. Elizabeth Taylor and Mia Farrow playing cat and mouse in a crazy Kensington art nouveau mansion. Great movie full of uncanny echoes and doublings from beyond the grave (Leonora resembles Cenci's deceased mother, Cenci Leonora's drowned daughter...) Plus I just love the name "Cenci." That long black wig!