Friday, September 17, 2010

The Entourage Music and Theatre Ensemble

There's a certain kind of hippie commune wellness xian folk music that I really like. The Christ Tree album, Children of One, and some (well, one) Sufi Choir records are like that. Certain parts of Berkeley California are still like this. But The Entourage Theatre and Music Ensemble sets the high water mark. It's the sound of centering yourself and emerging from your teepee to join in the muesli harvest or a summer solstice initiation rite. The upstate NY and later Connecticut-based Entourage put out two records on Folkways, and they are both excellent (and the kind of thing you can find at Mutant Sounds.) I was toodling around the band's website and found some archival photos and videos of various theatre/dance collaborations, some of which have an alluring pagan witchiness to them. Behold. Check it out for yourself for more goodies, including an unreleased score commissioned in 1976 by The Royal Danish Ballet.


  1. Great post. Love these albums too. They also have a strange autumnal melancholy in parts, particularly Neptune Collection.

  2. Yeah I kind of need to grip that album. There's a cool video on the website based on one of the songs from Neptune. You would look good in that kind of beard.


  4. Great stuff. I'm hooked!

    Now if only I could find a download of that Sufi Choir album online somewhere...

  5. I think I have it somewhere...

  6. Thanks for making me listen, had never heard of them before, grabbed that album from mutant sounds, lovely stuff

  7. Hi Reza, good to see you here.

  8. Hey Ben, any luck locating the Sufi Choir? I'd love to hear it...

  9. Hi Greg. You know, I think I must have sold or traded my copy. I can't find it. Sorry bout that.

  10. I seem to remember there being a copy for like $10 at Good Records in the East Village.

  11. Entourage has been sampled by Four Tet. So much that Domino had to pay the surviving members! Wall Mathews has since then issued a CD of unreleased Entourage music! I also have a coupla CDRs with unreleased performances of them that is brill!
    Nice blog BTW ;)
